Why Is Water Leaking Into My Basement After Heavy Rain?

If water leaks into your basement during periods of heavy rain, this could indicate foundation issues that need to be corrected immediately before they worsen and damage your home.

Poor drainage around your foundation is one of the primary causes of leaky basement walls, so making sure gutters remain clear and downspouts extend far away can be very effective in avoiding problems.

Cracks in Basement Walls

If water seeps into your basement walls through the cove joint where floor and wall meet, this may be caused by structural cracks that expand with hydrostatic pressure caused by rainstorms.

Under heavy rainfall conditions, soil becomes saturated and rises, exerting hydrostatic pressure against basement walls. If there are cracks or weak points in these walls, this force could force water through any existing openings resulting in leaky basement floors.

To prevent this from occurring, make sure your gutters are free from debris and can efficiently channel water away from the foundation of your home. Also slope the grade around its foundation so as to prevent pooled water from seeping through into basement walls or pooling up against it – and have an expert seal any cracks they discover in it.

Damaged Window Wells

Seeking new window wells when water puddles near your basement window wells is a sure sign that it’s time for replacements to be installed. Window wells keep basement windows functional below ground level while protecting them from rust and damage, as well as keeping soil away from foundations; without them, hydrostatic pressure could build up and lead to instability for your foundation and home.

Your basement may be susceptible to water intrusion if it has low ground drainage, no exterior drainage system in place, dirty gutters and/or ineffective downspout extensions that allow rainwater into it during heavy downpours. By making these adjustments you will ensure your basement stays dry during heavy downpours, thus decreasing moisture in your home, improving air quality and protecting belongings from mold growth.

Clogged Gutters

Clogged gutters are one of the biggest headaches a homeowner faces. While gutters serve an essential function in keeping rainwater away from foundation and home, when they become clogged they can cause serious problems that are hard to resolve.

Gutters are gutter-like structures attached to roofs that direct rainwater away from a house via downspouts and gutters. When these channels become clogged with rainwater, however, water is forced against fascia boards, causing them to rot over time and even collapse entirely.

Unclogged gutters prevent rainwater from draining properly, leading to pooled water around the foundation and flooding basements. Furthermore, this wet environment attracts termites, carpenter ants and other pests which thrive in damp wood environments – these could potentially eat away at and crack foundations as a result.

Hydrostatic Pressure

If water intrusion into your basement occurs following heavy rainfall, there could be multiple explanations as to why. We will review some of them now:

Rainwater seeping into soil increases its water table level and exerts hydrostatic pressure against your basement walls, exerting hydrostatic force that forces moisture through any cracks or gaps in these walls and into your home. This pressure forces moisture through cracks or weak spots within these walls into your living spaces causing mold growth or damp spots on walls to form within walls that prevent ventilation.

Hydrostatic pressure can also be caused by improperly functioning gutters and downspouts that don’t properly direct water away from your house, creating hydrostatic pressure as the soil around your foundation becomes saturated with water, leading to hydrostatic pressure and infiltration of water into your foundation. In addition, clay-heavy soil in your basement could expand when moistened, pushing against its walls and exerting additional pressure.

Expansive Soil

Heavy rainstorms increase the volume of water saturated into soil around your home, amplifying hydrostatic pressure on basement walls and worsening existing cracks or creating new ones. This constant pressure may allow water to seep into these spaces causing cracks to widen or even appear completely new ones allowing water ingress into your basement walls and seep through cracks that allow access to your home.

Installing downspout extensions helps direct rainwater away from your home, which can prevent foundation leaks during heavy rainfall. Unfortunately, dirty gutters and downspouts may also contribute to foundation leaks in your basement, so regular upkeep of these components is also crucial for their effectiveness.

Moisture barriers offer a lasting solution to basement leaks by stopping leakage by blocking water flow through concrete walls. Moisture barriers outshone paint or sealant solutions which tend to peel off over time, allowing moisture to enter.