Why Does Water Come Up Through My Basement Drain When It Rains?

Water infiltration into a basement can damage carpeting, furniture and lead to mildew growth in an unhealthy environment, undermining its foundation. Therefore it’s crucial that homeowners understand where this source of moisture originates so that it can be addressed as soon as possible.

Signs that rainwater is getting into your basement during or after rainfall should raise red flags – for instance hydrostatic pressure can force water up against cove joints, while possible slope issues might also be the culprit.


Clogged gutters can overflow during heavy rainfall, leading to soil saturation around your house foundation and eventually damaging its walls. Gutter downspouts should be kept free of debris and extended 10 feet away from it in order to discharge stormwater effectively.

Gravity or pump-based foundation drainage systems must work to keep ground water levels below those in the basement floor, or they risk backing up through floor drains or sanitary fixtures into your home. If they fail, this could allow floodwater and sewer backup into the home through floor drains or fixtures at their lowest point.

Clay soils absorb water naturally and then release it when dry, exerting constant hydrostatic pressure against basement walls and worsening existing cracks while creating new ones. Baker’s Waterproofing’s customized system of gutters helps combat hydrostatic pressure by diverting rainwater runoff away from homes into yards where it can easily drain away; our system even features downspout extensions with battery backup to further avoid foundation drainage failure, helping prevent basement leakage caused by foundation drainage failure.


Downspouts carry rainwater from your gutters down and away from your house, keeping it from pooling around the foundation and causing leakage. Downspouts are essential components of a functioning drainage system; regularly inspecting and maintaining them is the best way to ensure they work effectively. If any downspouts become blocked up or have become disconnected from their system and don’t extend far enough down your property’s side yard, additional downspouts may need to be installed for optimal functionality.

Sometimes basements flood due to clogged basement floor drains or sanitary sewer backup. Heavy rainfalls and ground thaw or snowmelt periods can overwhelm municipal sewer systems, leading to backflow that overflows from basement floor drains into homes and causes basement floor drains to overflow with water backed up into them and overflow from their own overflow channels. A professional will need to assess and repair this system quickly in order to prevent further complications from developing.


Heavy rainwater infiltrates the soil surrounding basement walls, where soil particles absorb it and expand to form hydrostatic pressure that pushes against their walls, leading to hydrostatic pressure being exerted on existing cracks or creating new ones, allowing water into your basement. Installing interior drain tile and sump pump systems can alleviate hydrostatic pressure by carrying away water away from your basement to avoid leakages in your basement.

Unexpected water in your basement can quickly cause irreparable damage, including carpet deterioration, degraded drywall, furniture destruction and priceless goods deterioration, mold growth and foundation deterioration. Furthermore, its presence may create an unhealthy living space environment by forcing humid and moist air throughout. By cleaning gutters regularly and using downspout extensions along with proper grading you can avoid flooding basements after heavy rainfall – to learn more about waterproofing contact Weiler Walls now!

Sump Pump

Millions of homes across the U.S. contain basements or crawl spaces that become susceptible to flooding during rainstorms, leading to mold growth, short circuiting electrical systems and even being fire hazards. A sump pump removes this excess water before it causes further damage.

Sump pumps can be purchased from most hardware stores or online. Each one contains a basin and either submersible or pedestal pump to move water to an outgoing drainage pipe that leads to your yard.

Pumps must be connected to a ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) outlet; extension cords should also be GFCI protected. Most sump pumps feature an automatic float switch which activates when water begins filling your pit, as well as alarm capabilities which can be set both locally or remotely. Installing a sump pump protects your home against damage while increasing its value if and when you decide to sell.