What is Basement Drain Tile?

what is basement drain tile

A basement drain tile system can help protect homes from moisture intrusion and structural damage by redirecting groundwater away from their foundations. Drain tiles have proven themselves an effective waterproofing solution for newer homes as well as older properties facing problems with seepage or intrusion of groundwater into basements, combined with other waterproofing measures like vapor barriers, sump pumps and sump cover systems to permanently keep water away from homes.

Basement drain tile systems work by creating an easier path for water to follow through your soil. If too much moisture remains in the soil than can be absorbed, hydrostatic pressure builds and pushes against everything in its path – including your home’s foundation – creating horizontal or zig-zag cracks in its walls; left unchecked it could eventually cause your basement to collapse – hence why having an effective drain tile system installed is so essential.

Interior and exterior basement drain tile systems exist, both designed to prevent moisture build-up beneath and around your home. An interior drain tile system should be installed beneath the floor/slab while exterior drainage tile should be laid along the perimeter of its footing – both help stop moisture accumulation in the soil beneath and around your house; however, interior drain tiles provide more effective drainage solutions than their counterparts.

Both exterior and interior basement drain tile systems can be effective solutions, but their installation requires professional expertise. When selecting an interior system, excavation must take place all the way down to footing level before trenches are dug along your home’s perimeter for drainage purposes and connected to sump pits with drain pipes for sump pumps if applicable; finally a layer of washed gravel must be laid over before installing a drain tile system.

Rigid PVC or corrugated flexible drain pipe is used for these systems, typically measuring 4 inches in diameter with small holes on all sides to help it clog less often than other drainage options. Corrugated pipes may even be surrounded by gravel to further lower clogging risks.

Once the drain tile has been installed, a sump pump is used to extract any excess water accumulating in the drain pit and keep your system functioning correctly. A vapor barrier may also be added to protect walls against water penetration that could potentially promote mold growth; all together these waterproofing solutions ensure your home’s basement remains protected against moisture-related damages that could become costly if left unaddressed.