What is Basement Drain Tile?

Drain tile (commonly known as French drain, foundation drain or weeping tile) helps keep soil away from your house’s foundation and helps with waterproofing basements. You can install this exterior or interior drain.

Installers dig a trench alongside the foundation footing and then lay perforated pipe in a bed of washed gravel, creating a system to funnel water away from your home via sump pumps and into sump pits.

It’s a system of perforated pipes

A basement drain tile system is an effective and simple way to protect your home from water intrusion. Designed as perforated pipes that collect groundwater and divert it away from foundation walls and your basement, a drain tile system captures rising groundwater while relieving hydrostatic pressure, as well as preventing concrete wall seepage and eliminating costly waterproofing solutions that are complex or expensive to install.

Drain tile systems consist of perforated pipes which are installed into a trench around a foundation footer and covered with gravel before being backfilled with soil after installation. Drain tiles are frequently seen in new construction but can also be retrofitted into existing homes as an internal or French drain solution.

A basement drain system serves to prevent infiltration of rainwater and melting snow into your basement, which could otherwise damage it and its foundation by creating cracks in concrete surfaces or creating efflorescence – salt-like deposits on walls that create efflorescence – or cause puddles on its floor indicating there may be drainage problems in your space.

It’s a DIY project

An effective solution for water infiltration, drain tile systems can be installed outside or inside of a foundation and help create the path of least resistance for ground water. A drain tile system consists of perforated pipes designed to take in groundwater from its source and direct it away from homes, and this system may be installed either outside the foundation or underneath it in trenches outside, underneath, or behind basement floors, typically covered by crushed gravel or washed rock; they can even be connected to sump pumps that pump it all away!

Installation can be performed either during new construction or on older homes experiencing severe groundwater seepage issues. When used during new construction, this system often forms part of the foundation footer – providing cost-effective protection to both structures and an economical alternative to installing drainage boards.

Existing homes may benefit from having a drain tile system retrofitted in their basements. This system can be easily retrofitted onto concrete slabs on top or beneath them for retrofit installation of drain tiles; providing cost-effective yet simple solution to ease hydrostatic pressure around foundations while decreasing chances of water entering through floor cracks.

It’s expensive

If your basement or crawl space has become flooded, now is the time to install an interior drain tile system as a powerful deterrent against groundwater infiltration and protect against costly structural repairs. Even in areas with high water tables, this solution ensures your home stays dry while providing essential protection.

Contrary to what its name may imply, drain tile does not consist of actual tiles but rather perforated pipes buried under your home’s foundation in order to prevent water infiltration and hydrostatic pressure that could cause your basement walls or floor to crack or bow inwards. This system helps ensure water can travel away from it via perforations without impacting foundation stability or cracking the slab itself.

Installing a drainage tile system in your basement is simple, versatile, and versatile installation can occur both inside and outside. New construction or existing home waterproofing projects often include this installation step; retrofitted systems should also be compatible. A professional should inspect your home for signs of water intrusion to ensure its correct installation of drain tiles.

Seepageseal offer expert, finesse and commitment when it comes to every waterproofing project they undertake – contact them now for your complimentary consultation! A quality drain tile system can protect your home against foundation issues and flooding while also helping prevent exterior wall damage in your basement and reducing risks of collapsed basement. Contact them now for your free consultation!

It’s easy to install

A basement drain tile system can provide an effective waterproofing solution for older homes without foundation drainage, providing groundwater with its own pathway away from their home’s foundation and preventing leaks or cracks in walls. A drain tile system consists of perforated pipes known as French drains which are laid beneath the footer of your foundation footer; installation can either take place externally or internally in your basement.

These systems are often employed for commercial and agricultural uses, but they’re equally effective at protecting residential properties against moisture intrusion. Hydrostatic pressure builds when excess soil moisture pressures the concrete slab into an abnormal state causing hydrostatic pressure that damages foundations – hence why such systems are so necessary in basements and crawl spaces.

Drain tiles may seem simple enough to install, yet professionals should only attempt their installation due to their delicate nature. As these systems must often be placed beneath a basement’s concrete floor, a contractor will have to break up and remove existing flooring before digging a trench around it for placement of drain tiles. Furthermore, a sump pit must also be constructed before finally placing perforated pipe beneath its sump pit for drainage purposes.

Once installed, water collected will be diverted away from your house via either sump pump or gravity depending on the yard slope. Furthermore, this water may reach storm drains or dry wells which will prevent it from cycling back towards home.