What Is Basement Drain Tile?

what is basement drain tile

What Is Basement Drain Tile?

Basement drain tile is an intricate system of pipes, sump pits and pumps, storage containers, and other devices used to divert groundwater away from building foundations. Drain tiles are commonly installed during home construction to prevent excess groundwater from infiltrating basement or crawl space areas while existing homes sometimes install them to address serious leaking issues.

Modern drain tiles are typically constructed of perforated plastic pipe that’s corrugated flexible in the shape, typically yellow or black in hue, that are buried along foundation footings to collect groundwater before it seeps into basements.

Pipes with drain tile systems should lead to either a storm drain, sewer system, dry well, or gravel drainage area far enough away to prevent water from cycling back into the home. If any part of this system becomes inoperative or becomes blocked with dirt roots or debris the consequences can be dire; always consult a professional when inspecting drain tile systems to identify blockages and any required maintenance.

Installing Basement Drain Tile during the Build Phase

Basement drain tile should ideally be installed as part of a home’s construction, to allow maximum flexibility with pipe design while keeping costs to a minimum. We generally advise installing drain tile during this phase if building new homes, although sometimes local codes mandate it as well.

However, they can also be retrofitted into older homes where severe leakage issues have developed. Although this process can be tedious and expensive, sometimes it’s the only solution available to us for fixing these problems.

Before beginning a drain tile retrofit, all furnishings must be moved to the center of the basement and covered with protective plastic sheets. A contractor then excavates a trench around the inside perimeter and excavates a sump pit before installing a drain pipe in it and connecting its pump. Finally, before any flooring replacement begins, all systems are thoroughly tested by passing several tests of various sorts.

Once in place, it’s essential to maintain the drain tile system for as long as the home exists. Without proper care or maintenance, water and soil could enter through tiny cracks in foundation walls or floors and become dangerously pooled beneath a home’s interior and foundation causing flooding problems and flooding risks. A professionally installed system will minimize leaks by diverting any unwanted waterways away from residential properties by intercepting it with the widest possible circles so it doesn’t damage interior spaces and foundations.