Is Your Basement Without Drain Tile?

If your older home has problems with water infiltration and flooding, installing basement drain tile is an effective way to protect itself against more serious problems arising in the future. But be wary: installing this project yourself could end up costing much more in terms of repairs than hiring professional installers would – with far too many instances of do-it-yourself attempts causing serious damage that requires costly repair bills in the future.

Drain tile is a network of perforated pipes installed both inside and outside a home’s foundation, or beneath its slab floor, to collect groundwater that flows underneath and redirect it away from basement walls, helping prevent hydrostatic pressure that might otherwise lead to cracking of foundation walls or their cove joints (where floor meets wall).

Professional basement drain tile installation services typically offer both interior and exterior installation options; we often find that clients prefer interior installation for its less intrusive nature on their home’s structure.

An interior drain tile system typically comprises crush-resistant plastic pipe perforated with holes for drainage purposes, laid in a trench alongside the foundation footer of a home or building and laid within its footer. When installed correctly, these systems can provide groundwater that seeps into basement through cracks to have an easy path into it without creating unnecessary resistance for further infiltration of moisture into basement spaces.

New homes typically install drain tile during the initial phases of construction; however, existing homes that show signs of having drainage issues can retrofit drain tile retroactively at additional expense and effort. It requires excavation around the basement perimeter as well as removal of landscaping to install drainage pipe – both processes entail more costs and efforts than installing drainage initially.

Without drain tile in place, basements are vulnerable to flooding, water leaks and structural damage. If any of the signs mentioned above arise in your basement, contact a professional immediately in order to discuss options; leaving it too long could cost more money in repairs and possibly foundation replacement in the long run. Contact Acculevel now and schedule a complimentary evaluation so we can assess your waterproofing needs and recommend the ideal solutions for you – we look forward to meeting you!