How to Unclog Basement Drain Tile

how to unclog basement drain tile

Clogs may be inevitable, but you can help to minimize their severity by performing regular maintenance on your basement drain tile. Household debris like dirt, hair, dryer lint and gravel is often to blame; occasionally outside factors like tree roots or soil settlement may also contribute to blockages in drain tiles; such clogs could occur within either your P-trap (a curved length of pipe connecting a home drain to its septic system or main drainage line) or within main lines themselves.

Most clogs can be easily identified and remedied using tools such as a snake or plunger, but certain clogs require professional assistance for removal. When this occurs, it is wise to consult a drain cleaning expert immediately in order to avoid damaging pipes in any way.

One of the main causes of floor drain clogging is an accumulation of household debris like dirt, hair, dryer lint, gravel, leaves or any other organic material entering through its pipe system. These types of clogs are often resolved by simply taking steps such as taking off the cover of the basement floor drain, detaching its P-trap using wrench or Phillips head screwdriver and using a drain snake to dislodge and remove the debris build-up from within its pipelines.

Alternative approaches such as baking soda and vinegar could work just as effectively to clear away clogs in drains. Simply pour half a cup of baking soda followed by two cups of distilled white vinegar down your drain, using a stopper to keep it all from foaming too much, for 30 minutes before taking it all away using a plunger to vigorously agitate it all away – repeat as necessary until all clogs have been eliminated!

Clogs often occur due to mineral deposits accumulating within the drain tile itself. This may be caused by soaps, detergents or hard water slowly collecting within its perforations over time. To combat this issue, pour a safe drain cleaner down your basement drains every three or four months for best results.

Blockages that arise within your drain tile main line or in your home’s septic tank cannot be effectively cleared away with these methods, however. They’re easy to identify since they will usually appear at a cleanout or basement opening – and can be fixed using power auger rental from local tool or home improvement stores; just feed this device through to clear away any roots growing inside it as you feed it through to its target pipe opening.

If your basement floor drain is having issues, it is advisable to contact a local contractor or plumber immediately. They can assess and identify the source of the issue as well as make necessary repairs.