How to Clean Basement Drain Tile

Basement drain tiles can become blocked with debris such as tree roots or debris accumulation from age-related wear and tear. To keep them working effectively and prevent water damage around your home, keep the drain tiles clean and in good working order by regularly maintaining them with regular cleaning or drain tile maintenance services. Failure of drain tiles could include evidence such as pooling water against your house and wet basement conditions as well as foul sewer gas smells.

Basement floor drains should be located near the center of your basement with a screen over them and should direct water towards your sanitary line which connects with the main sewer line outside your house. They should always sit just a few inches below the bottom of the floor in order to prevent sewer gases from seeping into their pipes; any time there’s standing water beyond just a few inches it indicates an obstruction in its path and you should clear it immediately to restore normal functionality. If the drain does become blocked however, contact a licensed professional immediately as this could indicate an obstruction preventing flow or cause.

As with any plumbing issue, clearing away drain tile clogs yourself or with professional help can be accomplished successfully. First, ensure all water to the basement has been turned off before opening access to the drain and pouring boiling water down it to flush away food debris trapped within its pipes. If that doesn’t do it for you, combine baking soda and vinegar in equal parts in a solution and pour this down your drain; this should kill bacteria as well as eliminate sewer gas odors. After that’s cleared away you should flush your grated cover and repeat every few months so as to keep everything working optimally.

An alternative solution would be contacting a plumbing company who will use a drain snake to break up and clear any clogs from your drainage tile system. Some even provide hydro jetting services which uses high-pressure water jets to blast through any blockages in your drain tile system. You could ask around for recommendations, or talk with friends and neighbors if you prefer not fumbling around in your basement yourself.

If your drain tiles have become completely blocked up, replacing them may be necessary to alleviate further damage to your home and protect its future value. Although this process can be expensive, it should be addressed before further damage occurs to your property from its root source.

Some homeowners have their drain tile professionally cleaned at regular intervals to extend its lifespan and prevent serious issues, while others wait until there are major flood- or sewer-backup problems before calling for service. Either way, regular maintenance and attention can ensure your basement drain tile system serves you for years.