How Does an Interior Basement Drain Tile System Work?

If your basement is experiencing persistent water issues, installing an interior drain tile system might be the perfect way to waterproof it. These solutions capture groundwater while relieving hydrostatic pressure for effective moisture control in order to keep moisture away from both foundations and concrete walls of homes.

But how does a drain tile system actually function, and does it really prevent basement seepage?

Drain tile systems contain perforated pipes that collect and direct excess water away from your basement and foundation walls, offering an ideal solution in areas with heavy rainfall; but older homes experiencing water issues could also benefit.

There are two kinds of drain tile systems: exterior and interior. An exterior drain tile system can be found along the outside perimeter of your foundation footings and beneath your basement floor; an interior one sits directly below it. Both types collect moisture that collects in their paths before channeling it towards either a sump pit or drainage pipe that daylights above ground for disposal.

Over time, exterior drain tile systems may become clogged with small particles like fines and silt, leading to repeated problems and rendering it ineffective. An interior system, however, is less vulnerable as it is less exposed to weather elements.

Interior drain tile systems can be retrofitted into existing homes, but for maximum flexibility it’s ideal if they are installed during construction. In a new build, contractors typically dig a trench alongside foundation footings to install perforated pipe which is then covered by gravel in order to prevent mud particles from filtering through.

Cost estimates for drain tile systems will depend on factors like home size, location and accessibility to basement spaces; as well as whether or not they’re installed indoors or outdoors. A professional contractor can give an accurate assessment of how severe your moisture issue is before providing an accurate cost estimate.

If your basement has water damage, it is crucial that you contact a professional immediately. Delay only compounds the problem; sooner is always better! Seepageseal can assist in finding an ideal solution to protect against further water intrusion in terms of waterproofing and sealing products that protect property against further harm. Contact us now for more information or arrange an appointment!