Basement Sump Pump and Drain Tile

Basement drain tile and sump pump systems offer crucial protection from groundwater flooding in both indoor and outdoor installations. These systems channel water away from your home using rigid PVC or flexible plastic drainage pipes which channel it away.

This will prevent flooding of your basement or crawl space during heavy rainfall and stop hydrostatic pressure from damaging its foundation.


Cost estimates for installing drain tile vary based on where and when it will be installed as well as which type is selected for use. Drain tiles, also known as perforated pipes, can either be buried underground or laid on top of surfaces to channel away water from foundations; exterior drain tile (commonly referred to as French drains) usually sit outside while interior ones can be found inside your basement.

Both types of basement drain tile help protect the integrity of your foundation by relieving hydrostatic pressure. Too much moisture under and around a foundation can cause cracking walls to bow inward and threaten structural integrity of homes, but diverting water directly to a sump pit relieves that pressure and provides much-needed protection for home owners.

An exterior basement drainage system uses a jackhammer to dig a trench around the foundation and set up a sump pit with help of a waterproofing specialist, followed by the installation of a piping system which supplies water directly into a sump pump that then dissipates it away from your home and into its surroundings.

For internal basement drainage systems, perforated pipes are installed in a bed of washed gravel below your basement floor and when moisture accumulates beneath, it flows directly to them and into your sump pit where waterproofing specialists install sump pumps to drain away.


A basement sump pump and drain tile system helps prevent the entry of moisture into homes by diverting rain or melting snow away from their foundation and into drain tile systems. As rain or melting snow accumulates around a home, pressure builds on its walls which causes leakage through cracks or seams into basement areas. A drainage tile system diverts this excess water away from entering through basement areas by redirecting it toward sump pits or other discharge points.

An exterior weeping tile or French drain system helps manage surface water at the soil level by creating a trench that slopes gently with gravel and perforated pipe, and by channeling surface water away from your house through perforations in its perforated pipe percolation system. Surface water soaks into the ground before being filtered by gravel before passing through its perforations into an outflow pipe that leads away from your home – as well as helping with draining of soil around its footing of your basement slab.

Gravity may be enough to drain moisture away without needing a sump pump and pit; however, many homes don’t enjoy such luxury and therefore a basement sump system is often necessary to ensure dry living spaces.

Installing an interior drain tile system involves having a contractor dig a hole large enough for the sump basin and surround it with a ring of gravel to keep out sediment from muddy water entering and clogging the pump. Once that step has been taken, perforated pipes must then be laid in bed of washed gravel beneath the basement floor before connecting them via discharge line and check valve (per manufacturer instructions) back to the sump pit.


Drain tile can help your home avoid serious water damage by relieving hydrostatic pressure that builds as water collects around its foundation, as well as stopping leakage through any cracks in its walls. A contractor will use an electric jackhammer to break apart concrete along your basement walls and dig a trench around its footing before placing perforated pipe filled with washed gravel into that trench; when it rains, water collected by this pipe will flow towards a sump basin connected to an electric sump pump or be directed away downhill or collected into another sump basin that’s connected directly into an electric sump pump’s sump basin for collection when directed downward.

Plugged-in pumps work to divert excess water away from your house and into a drain or dry well for safe disposal, helping protect from flooding and saving on costly repair bills. Regular maintenance checks should also be performed to keep everything working as intended.

Cleaning out your sump basin entails emptying it out, unplugging its pump, and checking that its inlet screen is clear. Furthermore, make sure the discharge pipe is free from clogs that could cause its pump to cycle on and off; and finally test its pump by pouring five gallons of water into it and making sure that its float switch works as designed.


Unkempt basement drain tile systems can lead to flooding and leakage issues that can harm belongings, cause mold growth, and increase health risks. By performing regular inspections and tests to make sure everything is functioning as it should, regular maintenance can help save on expensive repairs in the future.

A basement drain tile system consists of an interconnected network of perforated pipes which collect ground water and redirect it into a sump pit or away from the foundation, depending on its type. These rigid or flexible pipes may be either rigid or flexible according to which drain type is being used; typically these installations occur inside basements for retrofit projects or along exterior perimeters during new home builds.

This system connects to a sump pump, which removes water from your home through an outlet pipe located six to ten feet from it and empties into an underground drainage system like storm sewer or drainage sumps.

An effective basement drain tile system can help prevent wet basements, but regular inspection is important and repairs must be made as soon as any issues are found. Common signs of an unsuccessful system include salt-like residue on basement walls (efflorescence), standing water near sump pits or puddles appearing within the basement itself.