Basement Interior Drain Tile

Those dealing with basement water issues should seek permanent solutions. One effective option to eliminate issues once and for all is an investment in a drain tile system, which can be installed both inside and outside a home, but most commonly under foundation floors and slabs for maximum protection. It can even be combined with other waterproofing measures for additional safeguarding measures.

Drain tile helps stop water from pooling in the soil beneath and around your foundation, which would otherwise seep through any cracks into your basement through seeping waterways. Drain tile creates a “path of least resistance” for it to follow instead of entering through cracks in walls or floor slabs; further, hydrostatic pressure from building up under basement floors does not build up to cause it to push up like a lake onto basement slabs and cause cracking to occur.

Basement interior drain tile systems consist of perforated pipes installed over a bed of gravel, to collect groundwater that accumulates around your basement and flow it down through its perforations, trickling to a sump pit where a sump pump ejects it from your home. Installation options for drain tile systems can range from above the concrete slab’s edge or below it; depending on which method is chosen.

Modern drain tiles are typically constructed of crush-resistant plastic (usually PVC) with narrow openings sized to let groundwater in while restricting dirt and debris from entering, and then placed in trenches adjacent to foundation footers that have been filled in with washed gravel before covering over it with basement flooring to form a protective barrier between it and other levels of ground.

Installing a basement drain tile system is a complex construction project, involving removal of sections of basement floor, excavation of trench alongside foundation footer and installation of perforated pipe. Finally, crew fills in trench and re-pours floor.

Costing between $500 to $4500 for installation alone, the installation of an interior drain tile system depends on factors like home size and condition; costs for this work include labor, materials and equipment hire costs.

Exterior and interior drain tile systems can be powerful additions to vapor barriers, sump pumps and other forms of basement waterproofing solutions, providing your basement with moisture control for years. When investing in this kind of project it is wise to consult a professional so as to fully understand all associated costs and potential complications that could arise; then consult Seepageseal for advice about which solution might best fit into your home environment – interior or exterior drain tiles both offer great potential benefits!